A park for leisure and enjoyment.
Bluebell Hill Reserve, Harding Street, Surrey Hills VIC 3127

The Whitehorse Council undertakes all major maintenance work needed to keep Bluebell Hill Park in excellent condition, and minor maintenance work is regularly undertaken by local people (and others) in regular, prearranged working bees.

These working bees are held five or six times a year, on Saturday or Sunday mornings.

In each working bee, the volunteer workers target specific areas of the park or undertake specific tasks that need to be done. These tasks can include weeding, planting, pruning, mulching, and general maintenance of the bushes and gardens. If, during a working bee, we find something is needed that is more than a working bee effort, we let the Whitehorse City Council staff know, so they can take appropriate action after.

For each working bee, we all meet at the lookout and sign the attendance register at the start of the working bee. The register is for Whitehorse City Council records and for insurance purposes, so all of us volunteers are properly insured.

At each working bee, we work for an hour or two, depending on the volume of work, and the number of people joining the working bee. And once our work is done, we stay around for a chat, morning tea and light refreshments.

The dates for the working bees are posted in the Park, and advertised to in the streets all around the Park. Everyone is welcome to join in and volunteer at any working bee – with friends and family as they wish.

To help everyone to diarise the working bees, we have pre-set the working bee dates, though occasionally have to change the date or times, usually because of inclement weather.

The next 2024 working bee dates are:

Sunday 21 January at 9.30am

Sunday 18 February at 9.30am

Saturday 24 February at 9.30am

Saturday 25 May at 9.30am

Saturday 24 August at 9.30am

Saturday 23 November at 9.30am